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Don't paint steel; powder coat it!

Non-galvanised Architectural structural Steel

Ask for Tri-Resin™ System (Steel)

Since 1997, new products, techniques and attitudes have been introduced to the architectural market, improving the performance of powder coatings for external use, to the point where galvanising under powder coating is not always necessary. Windridge Coatings applies the Tri-Resin™System on all architectural steelwork. Projects using this system have now been in the field since 2003 and are still offering good protection.

On average 180 microns of paint is applied giving a thick lustre coating that also offers more protection then the normal 60-micron coat (the industrial standard).

By the end of the year 2006, we applied the Tri-Resin™System (Steel) to approximately 800 tonnes of un-galvanised steelwork for the Thames area alone.